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How to Create an Effective Facebook Video Advertising Strategy

There’s no doubt that video is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience on Facebook. In fact, according to a report from Social Media Examiner, the Facebook video gets more engagement than any other type of content.

But just because a video is popular doesn’t mean all videos are compelling. If you want your Facebook videos to be successful, you need to have a strategy. Here’s how to create an effective Facebook video advertising strategy.

How to Create an Effective Facebook Video Advertising Strategy

Define your objective

Before creating any content, you need to step back and define your objective. What do you want your video to achieve? Do you want to increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Increase sales? Once you know what you want your video to achieve, you can develop a strategy for making it happen.

Know your audience

It’s also important to know who is your target audience is. What are their demographics? What are their interests? What kinds of videos do they engage with? When you know your target audience, you can create content that appeals directly to them.

Keep it short

When it comes to Facebook videos, shorter is almost always better. In fact, according to Wistia, the ideal length for a Facebook video is between 15 and 60 seconds. This is because people have short attention and are likelier to watch a shorter video all the way through than a long one. So, when creating your videos, make sure to keep them short and sweet.

It’s been said that people have shorter attention spans than goldfish—which may very well be true when watching videos on Facebook. That’s why it’s essential to keep your videos short and sweet. After all, you want people to manage your entire ad, not just the first few seconds. Ensure videos that are 15 seconds or less.

Use persuasive language

The language you use in your video will also affect its effectiveness. When writing the script for your video, use a persuasive speech that speaks directly to the target audience and encourages them to take action.

For example, if you’re trying to increase sales, you might use language like “buy now” or “limited time only.”

Know your objectives

Before you create your video ad, you must know what you want to achieve with your campaign. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Drive traffic to your website? Boost online sales? If you know your goals, you can create a video ad aligned with your objectives.

Tell a story

People love stories—so telling an account with your video ad is a great way to engage your audience and leave a lasting impression. Instead of simply showcasing your product or service, try highlighting how it can solve a problem or improve someone’s life. This will make your ad more relatable and memorable.

Use Call-to-Action (CTA)

Overlays throughout Your Video Ad Adding CTA overlays throughout your ad is vital if you want people to take action after watching it. Whether you like them to click through to your website or download your app, having a CTA will help increase conversions.

Just be sure not to overload your video with too many CTAs—a few strategically placed ones should suffice.

If you need people to take action after watching your video, you need to tell them what you want them to do! Add a call to action (CTA) at the end of your video—such as “like and share this video”—to increase the chances that people will follow through.

You can also include calls to action as annotations or links in the description box beneath your video.

Create engaging videos that can be understood without sound

Since most Facebook users watch videos with the sound off, creating videos that can be understood without audio is essential. This means using subtitles or text overlays to explain what’s happening in the video. You can also use expressive visuals and graphics to help tell your story.

Make sure your videos are mobile-friendly

More than half a billion of all Facebook users access the site exclusively on mobile devices. This means that videos need to be optimized for mobile viewing. Make sure your videos are shot in a vertical format and look good on small screens. Keep your videos short, too; no one wants to watch a 10-minute ad on their phone.

Experiment with different video formats and styles

Different types of video content can be created, from short testimonials to longer brand stories. You also experiment with different styles and formats, like live-action or animated videos. The key is to figure out what type of content performs best with your target audience and create more content.

Find your target audience

The first step to create an effective Facebook video advertising strategy is to find your target audience. You can use Facebook’s targeting options to narrow your audience by age, location, interests, and more.

Once you’ve found your target audience, you need to figure out what kind of content they want to see. What will resonate with them? What will get them to stop scrolling and watch your video?

Create Compelling Content

The next step is to create compelling content that will stop Facebook users in their tracks. Your video should be visually appealing and include a solid call to action. It should also be short—Facebook users have short attention spans, so your video should be no longer than 60 seconds.

And lastly, make sure your video is optimized for mobile devices—80% of Facebook users access the site via mobile.

A/B Testing

Once you’ve created your video, it’s time to test it. You can use Facebook’s A/B testing tool to test different versions of your video ads. Try different calls-to-action, copy, images, and videos to see what works best for your business. Testing is integral to any marketing campaign, so don’t skip this step!

Use subtitles

80% of people who watch videos on Facebook do so without sound. That’s why adding subtitles to your videos is essential so that people can still understand your message even if they cannot increase the volume. Adding subtitles also makes your videos more accessible to people with hearing impairments.

Appeal to emotions

When it comes to marketing, emotion is everything. A study by Unruly found that ads that evoke positive emotions are 32% more likely to be shared than those that don’t, so it’s essential to ensure that your videos are emotionally engaging.

This doesn’t mean that videos need to be sappy or overly sentimental; even something as simple as making people laugh can go a long way in getting them to share your content.

Test and measure

With any marketing campaign, it ‘s essential to test and measure the results of your Facebook video ads before putting all of your eggs in one basket. Try out different strategies and see what works best for you and your business; then, once you’ve found a formula that works, stick with it and continue producing great content!

Choosing the right format

The first step in creating a Facebook video advertising strategy is to choose the correct format for your ad. Some types of video ads can run on Facebook: in-stream, collection, and carousel. Each type of ad has its benefits and should be used depending on your business goals.

For example, an in-stream ad would be a good choice if you’re trying to increase brand awareness. A collection ad will be a better option if you’re looking to boost website traffic or generate leads.

Creating Compelling Content

Once you’ve chosen the correct format for the ad, it’s time to start creating compelling content! The main goal is to create content that educates, entertains, and inspires your target audience. Remember that people have short attention spans, so making sure that the video engages from start to finish is essential.

Hook your viewers in from the beginning with an attention-grabbing headline and thumbnail image. And don’t forget to insert a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video so that people know what want them to do next (e.g., visit your website, sign up for your newsletter, etc.).

Measuring your results

The final step in creating an effective Facebook video advertising strategy is to measure your results. Keep track of metrics like views, clicks, shares, and comments to see what’s working and adjust your plan accordingly.

Can also use Facebook Insights to see how well your videos perform and get insights into who’s watching them. Armed with this information, can fine-tune your approach until you find a formula that works for your business.


Creating an effective Facebook video advertising strategy doesn’t have luck—it takes planning and forethought.

By taking the time to define objectives, understand your target audience, and craft persuasive videos that are less than 60 seconds long, you can set yourself up for success. Implement these tips today and see how they can help improve the performance of your Facebook videos

Facebook video advertising is an effective way to reach your target market. However, if you don’t have a well-thought-out strategy, your videos may not produce the desired results.

That’s where we come in – our team of experts can help you develop a Facebook video advertising campaign that reaches your target market and drives conversions. Contact us today for more information or to get started!

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