YouTube Marketing

7 Tips for Effective YouTube Marketing

Aside from Facebook and Instagram, YouTube remains the next biggest platform, with over two billion monthly active users. And because 85 percent of American internet users watch video content monthly, many brands leverage this attention. here are 7 Tips for Effective YouTube Marketing.

Moreover, more and more companies are also moving to video marketing. That’s because 54 percent of consumers want to see videos from their favorite brands. Marketers and advertisers know how crucial video marketing is in their campaigns.

Although video marketing is more effective when paired with other digital marketing strategies, it’s still best to optimize your videos for more views. And hopefully, more conversions.

But don’t fret. We’ll tell you seven easy tips on how you can optimize your videos for effective YouTube marketing.

Tips for Effective YouTube Marketing

Research your audience

The beauty of digital marketing is that there is no shortage of analytics tools to let marketers get to know their audience more. Also, take note that any online marketing tactic will never work without audience research.

That said, always ensure that you know who you’re making videos for. Or else, your efforts will be futile. Let me give you a scenario. Say, you’re selling the latest hair comb for men at 70 percent off, and you’re advertising your product to bald men. Even if you give the comb for free, there will never be any takers. Why? Because you’re selling to the wrong audience.

Here’s another scenario. You’re a vegan brand, and you’re advertising your products on meat-eater Facebook groups. Well, guess what? Expect that no one will even recognize your delectable vegan meals.

This is a clear-cut example of why you need to do audience research. Use the analytics tool on YouTube to know about your audience’s demographics. You may also monitor their watch time, interaction rate, view counts, geographical location, gender, age, and the time your videos are being viewed.

These details will let you craft an Effective YouTube Marketing plan, which is more akin to your prospects’ viewing preferences.

Another way to gain insight into your audience’s behavior is to check out the YouTube Community Page. Here, you can ask polls or questions and see what videos your audience would consider fun and entertaining.

Stalk your competitors

Another way to get ahead of the competition is to stalk your competitors. Always be on top of the game by knowing what they’re uploading on YouTube. Once you have an idea of what direction they’re going, make your YouTube marketing better.

Check out your competitors’ page and classify what types of videos they’re posting on YouTube. Their audience is also the same audience you’re aiming for. So check out which of their videos are getting the most views and which videos are getting the least views.

This way, you can gauge what piques your audience’s interest. Another way to learn more about your audience is to check out the comments section. You can read what they think about the videos. This is where you can read positive and negative reviews.

That said, looking at the comments section will give you an idea of what your audience thinks about your competitors’ videos. Make use of positive comments and ensure you avoid the negative feedback.

Do keyword research

YouTube marketing will not work if you don’t use the right keywords for ranking. This is also another benefit of checking out your competition’s videos, so you’ll know what keywords they’re trying to rank for.

In various ways, you can do keyword research. But the first one is to learn more about your competition. If your competitors have company websites. Input their websites on UberSuggest, and it will show you the top keywords that they rank for.

Next is to subscribe to tools that can provide you with similar keywords. For instance, when you’re ranking for dog food products, you can input that on the tools, and the results will give you other long-tail keywords. Choose those keywords from the list which are relevant to your brand and go from there.

Another way to research for keywords is to use Google’s Autocomplete feature. Open an incognito window and begin typing your main keyword there. Then you can check what users are searching for from Google’s Autocomplete. Grab the most relevant keywords from there as well.

Optimize your video title

Some marketers buy YouTube subscribers to gain more attention to their YouTube channels. However, some prefer to rank their channels organically. And speaking of keyword research, this is where you can apply your keywords.

Create compelling titles that make users stop and click. Include your keywords on your title and make sure your title is not more than 60 characters. Another way to incorporate the keywords is to put them on the video description. Make sure that you make the first two to three sentences on the description compelling.

Create YouTube thumbnails

If you check the platform, the most popular channels on YouTube have thumbnails. Thumbnails are excellent for branding. Integrating thumbnails means using your brand colors, logo, icons, typography, and more.

This is one way you can increase brand recognition. If viewers see your thumbnails, it can urge them to click on the videos more.

Keep videos for less than five minutes

Nowadays, the human attention span has decreased. From 12 seconds in the year 2000, it has now decreased to eight seconds. This information tells us that you need to keep your videos under five minutes.

Also, once you get your viewers to click on your videos. The first few seconds of the video matters. That said, ensure that you grab their attention in the first 10 seconds of the video. Avoid the fluff and get straight to the point. Avoid the repetition of your videos. Keep it concise and straightforward.

Put calls to action

Getting your audience to watch your videos is already the first achievement. Now, get them to do the next step. Whatever your goal is, lead your audience down to the bottom of the sales funnel. Whether you want them to check out your website or purchase a product, these goals are possible through a captivating call to action.

Make your call to action evident. You may leverage calls to action by using YouTube cards and end screens as well. If your videos won’t do the work, then these two will.

Eliza Brooks is a frequent traveler and informative content writer who loves to write about SEO, digital marketing, social media, and more. She is currently working with Galaxy Marketing, one of the leading social media marketing agencies in Germany, which allows clients to buy YouTube subscribers, views, comments, and more.

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