Women YouTube Channels

Top 10 YouTube Channels Every Women Should Follow

Most of the channels on YouTube are watched by 90% of the ladies than gents and these channels are taking more improvements to attain the women.

Because of Women audience, these channels are being advantaged commercially.

Below are the top most channels that are being watched by Women.

1. Grave3yardgirl :

Bunney Meyer plays a major role in this channel to exhibit the most exciting costumes that are entirely different from routine.

In Grave3yardgirl channel she provides the tips with the available cosmetics.

She mainly aimed to provide trendy fashion in dressing with unique tattoos.

Every woman will watch this channel to get cool ideas while preparing for parties.

This channel has 7,974,415+ subscribers and 1,325,101,482+ views which is not an ordinary thing.

2.Tanya Burr:

This is one of the top most fashion Channel on YouTube in which we can find varied styles of upcoming fashion.

She has completely different collections of women accessories and she loves to share the food habits of her.

This could be one of the most watched channels by the women.

It has 3,666,399 + subscribers and 333,966,258 + views.

3.Laura in the kitchen:

This is totally related to cooking and in this Laura Vitale will lead the role to make the cooking of special food items.

Most of the audience will ask her to prepare the recipes in an unusual way.

The viewers for the channel is 388,821,044+ and the subscribers are 2,728,018+

4.Jamie Oliver’s food tube

It is a Europe channel in which they cook beautiful recipes with cooking experts.

They show the items that are prepared in a simple way to get ready in hurry situation.

This channel is the early cooking channel of YouTube which grabbed the focus of the viewers.

It got 2,917,797+ subscribers and 302,090,259+ views.

5.Jenna marbles:

It is a multi-entertainment channel and in this Jenna will upload the videos of fun creation, beauty and the activities of boys and girls in their life.

These are very fun generating videos that every person should watch.

It has 16,935,972 + subscribers and 2,243,016,649+ views.

6.BodyFit by Amy:

Amy will do the workouts of Dumbbells, kettlebell and TRX which gives the full fitness for the ladies as it is needed for every individual.

Everyone who wants to maintain fixed stability of the body will watch this channel and every workout would be 15 to 45 minutes.

It had 178,048+ subscribers and 16,812,991+ views.


Jessica Smith is an experienced fitness instructor and trainer.

In this channel, we can find the complete tutorials to maintain the flexibility of the body with no foolish exercises.

This channel had 326,027+ subscribers and 41,135,225+ views.

8.Kayley Melissa:

As present generation are completely busy with their daily routines and find no time to have a look of unique way.

Each girl wants to exhibit herself with special hairstyles but in a simple manner.

Kayley Melissa solved this problem by displaying various hairstyles with less effort.

This channel has 1,357,802+ subscribers and 141,218,685+ views.

It is utterly related to ladies aspects of fashion.

9.Madeleine Shaw:

Madeleine will give the tips for healthy life with a nutritional guide and she used to do Yoga for the mental stress.

This channel is concerned to women to have the good health throughout their lifetime.

It accounts 42,774+ subscribers and 1,950,504+ views.


In this channel, the Benji and Judy will upload the videos of their daily routines with the entertainment of their three children.

They generate cooking videos and meanwhile the videos of shopping done by Judy will be discussed.

We can discover the lifestyle of women with the family and it has 1,487,436 + subscribers and 721,628,037+ views.


Keeping an eye on these channels will be most useful to have the better the knowledge on the upcoming trends.

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